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A Way to Success
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До экзамена
Ресурс для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку
What I know about reading.
1. How many parts are there in the Reading section?
А 9 В 7 С 2
2. How long is the recommended time for the Reading section?
А 25 В 10 С 30
3. How many questions are there in total?
A 10 B 15 C 17
4. Each question is worth the same number of points. True or false?
5. The parts are meant to be the same level of difficulty. True or false?
6. Where should you write your answers?
А on the answer sheet 1 B on the answer sheet 2
7. There is extra time for transferring your answers to the answer sheet at the end of the exam. True or false?
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