A Way to Success
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Задание 3-8
Внимательно ознакомьтесь с вопросами заданий 3-8. И возможными вариантами ответов.
3 Christy has taken an exam in
1) English.
2) German.
3) Spanish.
4 Paul and Christy are
1) classmates.
2) friends.
3) relatives.
5 The sport Christy does is
1) athletics.
2) aerobics.
3) dancing.
6 The school subject that Christy finds difficult is
1) World History.
2) Information Technology.
3) Environmental Science.
7 Christy’s favourite dish is
1) spaghetti.
2) fried potatoes.
3) omelette.
8 Christy’s mother works as
1) a family doctor.
2) a travel agent.
3) a college teacher.
2. Выделите ключевые слова в каждом вопросе и вспомните синонимичные слова или выражения к ним, так как в разговоре могут прозвучать именно они.
3 Christy has taken an exam (examination, test) in
1) English.
2) German.
3) Spanish.
4 Paul and Christy are
1) classmates (stydy at the same class, in the ...form)
2) friends (companions)
3) relatives (brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle.......)
5 The sport Christy does (likes...ing, is good at...., favourite activity) is
1) athletics.
2) aerobics.
3) dancing.
6 The school subject that Christy finds difficult (can't understend, don't like. Think is difficult, not easy) is
1) World History.
2) Information Technology.
3) Environmental Science.
7 Christy’s favourite dish (tasty, like to eat, prefer, the best thing) is
1) spaghetti.
2) fried potatoes.
3) omelette.
8 Christy’s mother works (job, helps, teaches) as
1) a family doctor.
2) a travel agent.
3) a college teacher.
3. При прослушивании не старайтесь понять каждое слово. Гораздо важнее уловить общий смысл, идею диалога.
4. Во время второго прослушивания направьте внимания на то, что было непонятно, или то, что Вы не расслышали.
5. Запишите ответ: одна цифра соответствующая номеру ответа на вопрос данного задания.
3 Christy has taken an exam in
1) English.
2) German.
3) Spanish.
Ответ: 2
4 Paul and Christy are
1) classmates.
2) friends.
3) relatives.
Ответ: 3
5 The sport Christy does is
1) athletics.
2) aerobics.
3) dancing.
Ответ: 1
6 The school subject that Christy finds difficult is
1) World History.
2) Information Technology.
3) Environmental Science.
Ответ: 2
7 Christy’s favourite dish is
1) spaghetti.
2) fried potatoes.
3) omelette.
Ответ: 1
8 Christy’s mother works as
1) a family doctor.
2) a travel agent.
3) a college teacher.
Ответ: 3
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