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Ресурс для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку
What I know about grammar and vocabulary.
1 How many parts are there in the Grammar and Vocabulary section?
A two B four C fifteen
2 Which part focuses on vocabulary?
A Part 1 B Part 2 C Both parts
3 Which part focuses on grammar?
A Part 1 B Part 2 C Both parts
4 How many questions are there in total?
A 12 B 15 C 18
5 Each question is worth the same number of points.True or false?
A True B False
6 The parts are meant to be the same level of difficulty.True or false?
A True B False
7 Where should you write the answers?
8 How much time do you have to complete the Grammar and Vocabulary section?
A 30 minutes B 15 minutes C 40 minutes