A Way to Success
Путь к успеху

До экзамена
Ресурс для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку
Задание 3
1. Внимательно прочтите задание.
You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
why people like taking pictures
why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past
what the best photo you have ever taken is
You have to talk continuously.
2. После звукового сигнала начните монолог. Представьтесь.
Good morning. my name is Alex Ivanov. I'm a student of the 9-th form. I'm 15 years old.
3. Каждое вступление стоит начать с фразы "Now I’m going to give a talk about....."
!!!для подготовки монологического высказывания нужно систематически изучать темы указанные в кодификаторе ОГЭ. Однако есть несколько фраз, которые помогут Разнообразить и оживить вашу речь.
I consider this issue (question, hobby, activity, problem) very interesting. So, I'll try to do my best to make clear myself.
4. Далее, используя слова связки, вводные выражения и конструкции описываем 3 позиции из задания:
In my opinion, taking pictures is really popular now. Many of my friends and classmates have cameras on their mobiles which they use to take photos of everything they like.
I am not quite sure but I believe that today taking photos is more popular than it was in the past because cameras are less expensive and many people can afford them. You can even take pictures using camera on your mobile phone! Also, there are a lot of social networks, for example Facebook or Vkontakte where people post photos and share them with friends.
Personally I have one really great photo. It was taken last year in Rome. You can see my mother and me in it. We are standing near a beautiful fountain in the center of the city. The sun is shining and we are smiling.
Actually, I would like to say that taking photos helps us save one of the most precious things in life – our memories, which can always be with us when we look at this or that picture.
It goes without saying that photography can be discussed for a long time. but really we are short of time and I should finish my speach. Thank you for attention.
Готовясь к данному заданию используйте таймер. Тогда вы запомните примерную скорость речи и объем высказывания, а так же заучите клише, которые нужно использовать в речи.
По этой ссылке вы можете ознакомиться с заданиями устной части.